Saturday, November 26, 2011

Work was amazing(:
I'm not refering to the actual work, that was just pure back-breaking and torturous labour.
I'm actually refering to the entire experience, and the experience was wonderous because the people I met there were AWESOME. I made plenty of new friends these 3 days.
I shall list them down lest I forget them in time.
- Bryan (This is the 5th Bryan I've known): a cool, friendly and funny person with a cool haircut. He works at Microsoft booth (I was working at the entrance of the I.T fair), which is right in front of the entrance.
- David : this guy who is probably 30plus years old, who came and shook my hand asking,"can I be your friend?". That, is just plain weird.
- Min Kang : My boss(supervisor) - friendly guy. I kept asking him for a raise because my pay was pathetic. I think we've become kinda cool friends too. I remember I was taking a break and he came over and asked me if I finished giving out the flyers. I just told him straight - I'm just lazy. Well, he laughed.
- Agnes: My bigger boss. She's damn classy and she is really nice.
- 3 girls at the Toshiba booth : They wanted to add me on fb. They're quite pretty & nice. Amazing salespeople.
These are the most impressionable people, though I did become acquaintances with some others. Oh did I mention? My co-part-timer, a china guy, I presume, is quite nice too.
Since I was working at the entrance, there were several people who came forward to ask me for directions. There were some I could answer, some I could not. But there was this guy, when I told him that I'm not really sure where hall 4b was, he sounded really pissed off and said, "Forget it!" and stormed off. Do I look like a GPS to you?
Alright, I shall stop here now. This is probably boring for you people. I shall probably make this blog private, then I don't have to try and make the posts interesting all the time.
As for now, goodbye!

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